Release Note of the 24th of November 2023

Release Note of the 24th of November 2023

Update of the Player and Creators

For the Listeners:

  • New Music Page: We've created a new page to make it easier for you to find what you're looking for, as these are now sorted by genre.

  • Display benefits in order: The organization of your benefits is up to you, and these will enable you to make better use of them.

  • Bug fixing

For the Creators

  • Revamp Dashboard: A new, easier and better optimized dashboard

  • Tier creation now require Benefits: You now need to add benefits to your Tiers so that they don't remain empty and are complete for your fans.

  • Creator Banner can now be cropped: Optimized banner images

Dive in and explore at and !

Release Note

2 minutes

24 November 2023

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